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Through the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan and the Rethinking Education Communication, the European Commission has emphasised the need to embed entrepreneurial learning in all sectors of education.

Our future depends upon young people, on young people with entrepreneurial mind-set, who are able to generate creative ideas and turn those ideas into action.


The European Reference Framework for key competences for lifelong learning defines entrepreneurship as “A sense of initiative and entrepreneurship is the ability to turn ideas into action. It involves creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and to manage projects in order to achieve objectives."


Entrepreneurial mindset views the world as limitless in its possibilities for improvement, change and innovation.

Entrepreneurial mind-set


A mindset is not any one characteristic, but a group of thoughts and reactions, that come together to create the whole.

How can we cultivate Entrepreneurial mindset? What most of successful entrepreneurs have in common?

Get inspired by this picture. 


Skills for life 


There are many skills required if we want to be successful. 

These skills rank in the top most desirable job skills and skills that also entrepreneurs need for their success. In this project we will foster these important entrepreneurial skills together.

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